Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"In God We Trust"

This article on the Fox News website discusses a lawsuit being filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation to block the engraving of “In God We Trust” and the Pledge of Allegiance from the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington. Critics complained Congress did not respect the nation’s religious heritage when the $621 million center was completed in December, so Congress directed the engraving, costing $100,000. The foundation argues that the engravings will be discriminating to those not practicing a religion. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa says, “This lawsuit is another attempt by liberal activists to rewrite history and deny that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage is an essential foundation stone of our great nation.”

Since 1956 “In God We Trust" has been our country’s motto, and has been on national currency since 1957. This article is interesting and informative to read because it is yet another attempt to end a tradition this country has had and believed in since the 1950’s.


Anonymous said...

I like your blog . But how do you feel about this. Do you feel this another liberal attempt to subvert good old fashioned american values????!?!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the reasoning behind "In God We Trust" on our money is due to the fact that our legal tender is worthless. What "In God We Trust" replaced was the wording about how much gold the legal tender was worth as it was backed by gold before The Great Depression. They might as well just say "God I Hope This Money is Worth Something." Sadly it was just a diversion that reinforced our faith but destroyed it's worth.